
COMBAT objectives

The main goal of COMBAT, controlling and progressively minimizing the burden of animal trypanosomosis (AT), is broken down into six specific objectives:

  • to advance knowledge of the actors of AT epidemiological cycles: vectors, parasites, and their hosts, livestock and wildlife alike, studying their interactions in the laboratory and the field
  • to improve control of AT, based on improved tools for prevention, surveillance, detection and treatment
  • to develop information systems of AT and its vectors at the continental and national level
  • to evaluate the burden of AT at a range of scales in Africa
  • to improve strategies for AT control by fully developing and disseminating the progressive control pathway approach and streamlining it into national policies
  • to increase capacity and awareness of COMBAT partners and AT stakeholders

By means of a sustainable reduction of AT incidence and burden, COMBAT will contribute to a number of sustainable development goals, in particular the reduction of poverty and the elimination of hunger.