
The activities of the COMBAT project are reinforced by a signing of an agreement between CB-UEM and the Italian Cooperation, aimed at improving the Tintigala field station

The COMBAT Mozambican consortium member, the Biotechnology Center of UEM signed a formal collaboration agreement with BioForMoz (Support for Environmental Research AID 12089) funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. This aims at enhancing Gala experimental field station, established by COMBAT at Matutuíne, a buffer zone of the Maputo National Park, Mozambique, for tsetse flies and trypanosome research, to widen its scope into a research platform on infectious diseases and biodiversity.

The Biotechnology Center of the Eduardo Mondlane University, COMBAT Mozambican consortium member, and the BioForMoz Project (Support for Environmental Research AID 12089) funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) signed a formal collaboration agreement to enhance the research on the control of infectious diseases, including zoonosis and the study of biodiversity at the Tintigala Field Station (TFS), located in the Matutuine District, Maputo Province, Mozambique. The immediate contribution of BioForMoz for training and research includes scholarships for one PhD and one MSc in Biotechnology. The PhD project is built on COMBAT activities, while the MSc will be on ticks and tick-borne pathogens. Additionally, the BioForMoz will contribute to the logistics of the TFS and participate in the improvement of part of the existing infrastructures. The TFS was established by the COMBAT project with the primary objective of studying tsetse flies and trypanosomes. Due to its strategic location in the buffer zone of the Maputo National Park, the TFS has a strong potential to serve as a hub for a wide diversity of studies involving not only infectious diseases but also biodiversity. Furthermore, the station can act as a scientific facility for the training of students from different areas, contributing positively to the increase in scientific studies and publications as well as providing results that can later be used to help policymakers in the development of strategies for the control of diseases and management of biodiversity resources.

Published: 06/10/2023